

发布时间:2012-09-20 浏览量:1120

高波 研究员



We have focused on the synthesis of bismuth based topological insulators using a vapor-solid growth method and on the magneto-resistance measurements of these materials.  Our results strongly suggested the existence of topologically protected two dimensional electron gas on sample surface.

We first explored the emergence of linear magnetoresistance in thin Bi2Se3 sheets upon tuning the carrier density using a back gate. With increasingly negative gate voltage, a pronounced magnetoresistance of ~100% is observed, while the associated B-field dependence changes from quadratic to linear. Concomitantly, the resistance-versus-temperature curves evolve from metallic to semiconductor-like, and increasingly strong weak anti-localization behavior is manifested. Analysis of the magnetoresistance data reveals two contributions, namely from the bulk conduction band and from a state inside the bulk gap. The latter is responsible for the linear magnetoresistance and likely represents the topologically protected surface state.

We also synthesized single-crystalline Bi2Te2Se nanoplates with thicknesses between 8 and 30 nm and lateral sizes of several micrometers using a vapour-solid growth method. Angle-dependent magnetoconductance measurements on individual nanoplates revealed the presence of a two-dimensional weak anti-localization effect. In conjunction with gate-dependent charge transport studies performed at different temperatures, evidence was gained that this effect originates from the topologically protected surface states of the nanoplates.

