

发布时间:2022-04-26 浏览量:1124

1. "Terahertz Semiconductor Quantum Well Photodetectors," J. C. Cao and H. C. Liu, Semiconduct Semimet 84, 195-242 (2011).

2. "A qubit strongly coupled to a resonant cavity: asymmetry of the spontaneous emission spectrum beyond the rotating wave approximation," X. Cao, J. You, H. Zheng and F. Nori, New Journal of Physics 13, 073002 (2011).

3. "All-optical transistor based on a cavity optomechanical system with a Bose-Einstein condensate," B. Chen, C. Jiang, J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Physical Review A 84 (5), 055802 (2011).

4. "Slow light in a cavity optomechanical system with a Bose-Einstein condensate," B. Chen, C. Jiang and K. D. Zhu, Physical Review A 83 (5), 055803 (2011).

5. "Tunable all-optical Kerr switch based on a cavity optomechanical system with a Bose–Einstein condensate," B. Chen, C. Jiang and K. D. Zhu, JOSA B 28 (8), 2007-2013 (2011).

6. "Avalanche┘/em>like electric┘/em>field┘/em>induced photocurrent gain in resonant tunneling hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon system," J. Chen, J. J. Lu, R. Zhang, Y. S. Liu and W. Z. Shen, physica status solidi (b) 248 (7), 1718-1722 (2011).

7. "Wireless communication demonstration at 4.1 THz using quantum cascade laser and quantum well photodetector," Z. Chen, Z. Tan, Y. Han, R. Zhang, X. Guo, H. Li, J. Cao and H. Liu, Electronics letters 47 (17), 1002-1004 (2011).

8. "Large Size and High Performance of a Gd–Ba–Cu–O Bulk Superconductor Grown using New Approaches," L. Cheng, T. Li, S. Yan, L. Sun, X. Yao and R. Puzniak, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94, 3139 (2011).

9. "Long-range linear elasticity and mechanical instability of self-scrolling binormal nanohelices under a uniaxial load," L. Dai, L. Zhang, L. Dong, W. Shen, X. Zhang, Z. Ye and B. Nelson, Nanoscale 3 (10), 4301-4306 (2011).

10. "The exchange interaction effect in the scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a two-orbital Anderson impurity on metallic surface," G. Ding, F. Ye and B. Dong, European Physical Journal B:Condensed Matter 81 (4), 467 (2011).

11. "Anomalous paramagnetism in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride substrates," X. Ding, H. Sun, X. Xie, H. Ren, F. Huang and M. Jiang, Physical Review B 84 (17), 174417 (2011).

12. "Full counting statistics of Kondo-type tunneling in a quantum dot: Fluctuation effects of the slave-boson field," B. Dong, G. Ding and X. Lei, Physical Review B 84 (23), 235408 (2011).

13. "Oxygen and carbon behaviors in multi-crystalline silicon and their effect on solar cell conversion efficiency," X. Fang and W. Z. Shen, Acta Physica Sinica 60 08801 (2011).

14. "Band gap and electronic properties of wurtzite-structure ZnO co-doped with IIA and IIIA," T. Han, F. Meng, S. Zhang, X. Cheng and J. Oh, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 063724 (2011).

15. "Theoretical investigation of anti-reflection properties of Ag-nanoparticles," T. Han, F. Y. Meng, S. Zhang, J. Q. Wang and X. M. Cheng, Acta Physica Sinica 60 (2) (2011).

16. "Improved two-step anodization technique for ordered porous anodic aluminum membranes," X. Han and W. Shen, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 655, 56-64 (2011) (2011).

17. "Evolution process of orderly nanoporous alumina by constant high field anodization in oxalic acid electrolyte," Z. He, M. Zheng, M. Hao, T. Zhou, L. Ma and W. Shen, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 104, 89 (2011).

18. "Near-Room-Temperature Mid-Infrared Quantum Well Photodetector," S. Hinds, M. Buchanan, R. Dudek, S. Haffouz, S. Laframboise, Z. Wasilewski and H. Liu, Advanced Materials 23 (46), 5536-5539 (2011).

19. "Influence of O 2 Pressure on the Structure and Surface Morphology of YSZ Layer for YBCO Coated Conductor Deposited by PLD on Ni-W Tape," D. Hong, L. Liu, X. Song and Y. Li, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (5), 1707-1713 (2011).

20. "The magnetic properties of the two-dimensional square lattice mixed-spin anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet with a transverse magnetic field," A. Y. Hu, Y. Chen and Q. Wang, Physics Letters A 375 (5), 927-933 (2011).

21. "The magnetic order of two-dimensional anisotropic antiferromagnets," A. Y. Hu and Q. Wang, Solid State Communications 151 (2), 102-106 (2011).

22. "STM and MBE: one of the best combinations," J. F. Jia, X. C. Ma, X. Chen, T. Sakurai and Q. K. Xue, Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics 44 (46) (2011).

23. "Mass sensing based on a circuit cavity electromechanical system," C. Jiang, B. Chen, J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 083107 (2011).

24. "Mass spectrometry based on a coupled Cooper-pair box and nanomechanical resonator system," C. Jiang, B. Chen, J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 570 (2011).

25. "Tunable pulse delay and advancement device based on a cavity electromechanical system," C. Jiang, B. Chen and K. D. Zhu, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 94, 38002 (2011).

26. "Optical properties of AlInN thin films," L. F. Jiang, W. Z. Shen and Q. X. Guo, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 30 (3), 207 (2011).

27. "Multiphoton-induced nonlinear magnetoresistance oscillations in a dc-driven two-dimensional electron system irradiated by intense microwaves," X. Lei and S. Liu, Physical Review B 84 (3), 035321 (2011).

28. "All-optical Kerr modulator based on a carbon nanotube resonator," J. J. Li, W. He and K. D. Zhu, Physical Review B 83 (11), 115445 (2011).

29. "A quantum optical transistor with a single quantum dot in a photonic crystal nanocavity," J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Nanotechnology 22, 055202 (2011).

30. "Nanometer optomechanical transistor based on nanometer cavity optomechanics with a single quantum dot," J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (11), 114308-114306 (2011).

31. "Plasmon-assisted mass sensing in a hybrid nanocrystal coupled to a nanomechanical resonator," J. J. Li and K. D. Zhu, Physical Review B 83 (24) 245421 (2011).

32. "Growth and Stability of Ultra-Thin pb Films on Pb/Si (111)-alpha-&surd; 3× &surd; 3," W. J. Li, Y. J. Sun, X. G. Zhu, G. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, J. F. Jia, X. Ma, X. Chen and Q. K. Xue, Surface Review and Letters 18, 77-82 (2011).

33. "Influence of Buffer Layer Surface Morphology on YBCO Critical Current Density Deposited on NiW Tapes," Y. Li, L. Liu, H. Liu, X. Sun, D. Hong, D. Xu and Y. Wang, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 21(3), 2924 (2011).

34. "Controllable current oscillation and pore morphology evolution in the anodic growth of TiO2 nanotubes," H. Liu, L. Tao and W. Shen, Nanotechnology 22, 155603 (2011).

35. "Optimal self-organized growth of small anodic TiO2 nanotubes," H. Liu, L. Tao and W. Shen, Electrochimica Acta 56, 3905-3913 (2011).

36. "Light trapping in single coaxial nanowires for photovoltaic applications," W. Liu, J. Oh and W. Shen, Electron Device Letters, IEEE 32 (1), 45-47 (2011).

37. "Light absorption mechanism in single c-Si (core)/a-Si (shell) coaxial nanowires," W. Liu, J. Oh and W. Shen, Nanotechnology 22, 125705 (2011).

38. "Tunable nonlinear absorption of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon," Y. Ma, J. Oh, D. Zheng, W. Su and W. Shen, Optics letters 36 (17), 3431-3433 (2011).

39. "Electronic band structures and electron spins of InAs/GaAs quantum dots induced by wetting-layer fluctuation," J. Ning, S. Xu, X. Ruan, Y. Ji, H. Zheng, W. Sheng and H. Liu, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 054320 (2011).

40. "A Facile Chemical Conversion Synthesis of ZnO/ZnS Core/Shell Nanorods and Diverse Metal Sulfide Nanotubes," X. Shuai and W. Shen, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 6415-6422 (2011).

41. "The Effect of Laser Energy and Target–Substrate Distance on the Quality of CeO 2 Seed Layer Deposited by PLD," X. Song, D. Hong, Y. Wang, H. Liu, L. Liu and Y. Li, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (5), 1659-1663 (2011).

42. "The Influence of Temperature Distribution on YBCO Coated Conductor Deposited by Reel-to-Reel PLD Method," X. Song, D. Hong, Y. Wang, H. Liu, L. Liu and Y. Li, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (5), 1793-1796 (2011).

43. "Mechanisms of nonthermal destruction of the superconducting state and melting of the charge-density-wave state by femtosecond laser pulses," L. Stojchevska, P. Kusar, T. Mertelj, V. Kabanov, Y. Toda, X. Yao and D. Mihailovic, Physical Review B 84 (18), 180507 (2011).

44. "Si diffusion path for pit-free graphene growth on SiC (0001)," G. Sun, Y. Liu, S. Rhim, J. Jia, Q. Xue, M. Weinert and L. Li, Physical Review B 84 (19), 195455 (2011).

45. "Investigation of a┘/em>Si (N+)/c-Si (P) heterojunction solar cell through AFORS- HET simulation," J. Wang, F. Meng, Z. Fang and Q. Ye, Surface and Interface Analysis 43 (9), 1211-1217 (2011).

46. "Rapid Deposition of Buffer Layers for YBCO Coated Conductors on Biaxially-Textured Ni Tapes," Y. Wang, L. Liu, H. Liu, X. Song, D. Hong, D. Xu, S. Zhu and Y. Li, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24(7) 2085 (2011).

47. "Photoinduced Laser Effects in Indium Nitride Film," Z. Wang, C. Gu and W. Shen, Modern Physics Letters B 25 (3), 185-192 (2011).

48. "Spin-orbital ground states of superconducting doped topological insulators: A Majorana platform," L. A. Wray, S. Y. Xu, Y. Q. Xia, D. Qian, A. V. Fedorov, H. Lin, A. Bansil, L. Fu, Y. S. Hor, R. J. Cava and M. Z. Hasan, Physical Review B 83 (22) (2011).

49. "Optical absorption in c-Si/a-Si: H core/shell nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications," W. Xie, W. Liu, J. Oh and W. Shen, Applied Physics Letters 99, 033107 (2011).

50. "Realization of effective light trapping and omnidirectional antireflection in smooth surface silicon nanowire arrays," W. Xie, J. Oh and W. Shen, Nanotechnology 22, 065704 (2011).

51. "An invisibility cloak using silver nanowires," Y. Xie, H. Chen, Y. Xu, L. Zhu, H. Ma and J. W. Dong, Plasmonics 6, 477 (2011).

52. "Tuning photoresponse through size distribution control of silicon quantum dots," C. Xu, W. Pan and W. Shen, Applied Surface Science 257 (20), 8409 (2011).

53. "Bonded hydrogen in nanocrystalline silicon photovoltaic materials: Impact on structure and defect density," L. Xu, Z. Li, C. Wen and W. Shen, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 064315 (2011).

54. "Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of surface superstructures during the growth of In on In/Si (111) surface," M. Xu, X. M. Dou, J. F. Jia, Q. K. Xue, Y. Zhang, A. Okada, S. Yoshida and H. Shigekawa, Thin Solid Films 520, 328 (2011).

55. "Oxygen partial pressure effect on the thermal stability of Nd-123 superconductor thin films," S. Yan, Y. Chen, L. Cheng and X. Yao, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 043916 (2011).

56. "Differences in the thermal stability of REBa2Cu3O7− x (RE=Y, Nd) thin films investigated by high temperature in situ observation and melt-texture growth," S. Yan, L. Sun, T. Li, L. Cheng and X. Yao, Superconductor Science and Technology 24, 075007 (2011).

57. "Investigation on the limit of weak infrared photodetection," Y. Yang, H. Liu, M. Hao and W. Shen, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 074501 (2011).

58. "GaAs-based near-infrared up-conversion device fabricated by wafer fusion," Y. Yang, H. Liu, W. Shen, J. Gupta, H. Luo, M. Buchanan and Z. Wasilewski, Electronics letters 47 (6), 393-395 (2011).

59. "Semiconductor infrared up-conversion devices," Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, W. Shen and H. Liu, Progress in Quantum Electronics 35 (4), 77-108 (2011).

60. "Preparation and properties of ZnS superhydrophobic surface with hierarchical structure," L. Yao, M. Zheng, S. He, L. Ma, M. Li and W. Shen, Applied Surface Science 257 (7), 2955-2959 (2011).

61. "Morphology-dependent field emission properties and wetting behavior of ZnO nanowire arrays," L. Yao, M. Zheng, L. Ma, W. Li, M. Li and W. Shen, Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 74 (2011).

62. "Self-assembly of diverse alumina architectures and their morphology-dependent wettability," L. Yao, M. Zheng, L. Ma, W. Li, M. Li and W. Shen, Materials Research Bulletin 46, 1403-1408 (2011).

63. "Dynamics of a driven spin coupled to an antiferromagnetic spin bath," X. Z. Yuan, H. S. Goan and K. D. Zhu, New Journal of Physics 13, 023018 (2011).

64. "Modulating Resonance Modes and Q Value of a CdS Nanowire Cavity by Single Ag Nanoparticles," Q. Zhang, X. Y. Shan, X. Feng, C. X. Wang, Q. Q. Wang, J. Jia and Q. K. Xue, Nano letters 11, 4270 (2011).

65. "Near field and cavity effects on coupling efficiency of one-dimensional metal grating for terahertz quantum well photodetectors," R. Zhang, X. Guo, J. Cao and H. Liu, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 073110 (2011).

66. "Metal-Grating-Coupled Terahertz Quantum-Well Photodetectors," R. Zhang, X. Guo, C. Song, M. Buchanan, Z. Wasilewski, J. Cao and H. Liu, Electron Device Letters, IEEE 32 (5), 659-661 (2011).

67. "Entanglement evolution and quantum phase transition of biased s= 1/2 spin-boson model," C. Zhao, Z. Lü and H. Zheng, Physical Review E 84 (1), 011114 (2011).

68. "Importance of counter-rotating coupling in the superfluid-to-Mott-insulator quantum phase transition of light in the Jaynes-Cummings lattice," H. Zheng and Y. Takada, Physical Review A 84 (4), 043819 (2011).

69. "Fabrication and magnetic properties of granular Co/porous InP nanocomposite materials," T. Zhou, D. Cheng, M. Zheng, L. Ma and W. Shen, Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 1-6 (2011).

70. "Size control of CuInSe2 nanotube arrays via nanochannel-confined galvanic displacement," T. Zhou, M. Zheng, L. Ma, Z. He, M. Li, C. Li and W. Shen, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 17091-17093 (2011).

71. "Influences of Ni-5 at.% W Alloy Substrates on the Epitaxial Growth and Surface Morphologies of CeO 2 Films Deposited by PLD," S. Zhu, L. Liu, D. Xu, H. Liu, X. Song, D. Hong, W. Ying and Y. Li, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 24 (6), 1869-1875 (2011).

72. "Electron transport through the p-n junction of zigzag graphene nanoribbon with external transverse electric fields," W. H. Zhu and G. H. Ding, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (11) (2011).