Academic leaders

Xin Yao

CreatedTime:2022-06-13 Views:630

Title: Professor

Dept: Institute of Condensed Matter Physics

Tel:  +86-21-5474-3172 / 6293-2081


Office: Physics Building Rm.909

Research Field: High-temperature superconductors crystal growth theory

Biographical Information 

In 1982he received a bachelor degree in SJTU.

In 1984, he received a master degree in SJTU.

In 1993, he received a PHD in University of Liverpool.

From Aug,1993 to Dec,2001 , he served as a researcher Superconductivity Research Institute of Japan.

Since Jan.2001 until now, Yao has been a distinguished professor of Department of Physics, “ChangJiang” Scholar of Shanghai Jiaotong University.