Academic leaders

Xiaolin Lei

CreatedTime:2022-06-13 Views:802

Title: Professor

Dept:  Institute of Theoretical Physics

Tel:  +86+21-6293-2827


Research Field: Electronic transport in condensed matter and Superconductivity Research

Biographical Information

Lei was born in Nov. 27 th ,1938 at GuiLin, GuangXi. He graduated from Physics Department of Beijing University in 1963. He has once served as an assistant of ShanDong University, an assistant research fellow in Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy of Chinese Academy , a senior visiting scholar of Houston University, a visiting associate professor in New York City University of United States, a visiting professor in Stevens institute of technology. From 1986 to 2000, he is a researcher fellow in Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy of Chinese Academy.

Selected publications

1. Green's function approach to nonlinear electronic transport for an electron-phonon-impurity system in a strong electric field, X. L Lei and C.S. Ting, Phys. Rev. B32, 1112 (1985).

2. Theory of negative differential conductivity in a superlattice minband, X.L. Lei, N.J. Horing, H.L. Cui, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 3277 (1991).