Research Fields

Growth control and growth mechanism of high temperature superconducting material

CreatedTime:2012-03-08 Views:490

High temperature superconducting materials have significant importance for fundamental research and practical application. This research including two points�� ��This lab conducts a fundamental research on crystal growth and material synthesis, focusing on REBa2Cu3Ox superconductors. Main subjects include: investigating on oxide crystal/liquid-phase epitaxy growth and their formation mechanism; investigating on phase diagram and phase transition and their influence on crystal growth process; investigating on components��structure��orientation and properties control in crystal growth; investigating on thin film thermal stability phenomenon��its mechanism�� influential factors and application; exploring novel preparing approaches for unique material structure with high application performance. Crystal growth/liquid-phase epitaxial growth facility is equipped to study the growth of REBCO superconducting crystals with excellent superior properties. ��We develop the technology for manufacture of second-generation high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, which is appropriate for continuous and large-scale industrial production in China, and with the predominant ratio of performance to price and potential market competitiveness. According to the research and development status of second-generation HTS tapes in the United States, Japan, Germany and other country, after comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each coating technology from perspectives of performance, reliability and cost, we intend to adopt the technology of excimer pulsed laser deposition (PLD), which is developed in the past decades, and is most successful and advanced technology for manufacture of second-generation HTS tapes. More recent objectives are as follows: (1) to manufacture a piece of YBCO superconducting tape, which is more than 200m in length, and with a critical current Ic more than 200 amps, (2) to deeply study the mechanism of film growth, that of superconducting flux pinning, that of nano-doping, and that of superconducting transport, then establish a set of parameter library of the technology for manufacture of second-generation HTS tapes.